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Yumna's 10 Reasons to be a Texas Alpha Xi

Going through recruitment can be stressful, whether you’re familiar with the process or not. Everyone is anxious to find out which sorority is the right fit. My best advice is to look for each chapter’s personality and take into consideration why the girls you talk to chose to join. To help jump-start your search for a sisterhood on the Forty Acres, here are the 10 reasons I think you should be an Alpha Xi at UT:

  1. Breakfast tacos are sacred in Austin. Texas Alpha Xi loves them so much that we have a biannual philanthropy event, Taco Xi, where you can eat your weight in breakfast tacos while supporting an amazing cause, Autism Speaks.

  2. Want to go to a tailgate event but don’t know who to go with? You get a sister for that! Want to cheer on your favorite sports team with friends or have weekly Bachelor watch parties? You get a sister for that! Want to try out a Soulcycle class or head out on a late night ice cream run? Yep, there are sisters for that too!

  3. Living in "Xi" House is like a giant slumber party. Even if you don’t live in the house, our house mom Marge and the house girls make you feel welcome anytime (I was definitely a house groupie this past year).

  4. Although it's a large group, we are a tight-knit group of women. You don’t just know girls in your pledge class, but you make friends in the classes above and below you. It is nice to see those friendly faces around campus or at social events.

  5. Sisterhood Yoga Tuesdays with Madi. If you don’t know her yet, you definitely will. She is one of the funniest individuals you will ever know, and she will also make you work hard and realize that yoga isn’t just a fancy word for stretching.

  6. Speaking of stretching, we are an active chapter, both physically and with our presence across campus. From student leadership, professional and faith based clubs, honor societies, and intramural sports, we have sisters everywhere. Whether you want to continue a hobby or pick up a new one, know that there will be girls who support and even join in your endeavors on the Forty Acres.

  7. You will always have a study buddy! I can’t stress this enough. When you’re drowning in government readings, essays, or lab reports, you will always have a sister to pull all nighters with. We also believe in rewarding academics by highlighting girls who make great strides in their academic career - Tiff's Treats anyone?

  8. Alpha Xi Delta listens to you as an individual. From our chapter meetings to our Executive Board's office hours, your opinion always matters and is valued. Even if you’re not in a leadership position, you can stop by the different teams' weekly meetings to stay involved or throw your ideas around. It truly does take a village.

  9. Our mission to realize our potential is more than just a motto. We frequently have leadership coaches and programs to help foster growth and set personal goals. Added bonus: see #6 above!

  10. Alpha Xi Delta is genuine, a word many of our members credit for their decision to join our sorority. Our chapter is full of women who have different personalities, beliefs, and interests. I have always felt welcome and at ease to be myself. I hope this is something you’ll also feel when you walk through our double doors on the first day of rush.



PC '16

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