Rocking Out with Elaina Johnson

Hey y’all!
My name is Elaina Johnson, PC '16. I’m from the birthplace of the Texas flag, Montgomery, Texas, and I am an Arts and Entertainment Technologies major with emphasis in Music Production. I sing, write music, and play the guitar, ukulele, and piano. The best part of doing shows? I get paid to rock out and create the music that I love.
I have been playing music professionally since I was 14 years old. I currently play in yacht clubs, restaurants, bars, and coffee shops all over Houston. In the beginning of my journey, I sang in every choir I could join before I got my first real gig, playing for free during the “First Saturday of the Month” in the historic part of Montgomery. Looking back, it’s crazy to see how far I’ve come- from not knowing where I wanted to go to college, let alone what I wanted to do with music. Now, I seek a career in the music industry as either a music producer or working for a label to shape artists into new, fresh brands while giving a nod to the classics.
It’s undeniable that I have a different taste in music from most people my age. I play, listen to, and breathe classic rock, and I strive to explain the genius of this genre through my spin on the music. My set list has something for everyone, from AC/DC to Norah Jones, and I hope that my creativity can turn itself into a career. I’ve even released three singles that can be found on pretty much any digital retailer, and I even have a website that details my next shows,!
Music has always been rewarding to me. However, this past year I found a new way to spread the magic. I became Song Leader in my beloved sisterhood, Alpha Xi Delta. In addition to leading our ceremonious songs, I choose and arrange all of the songs our choir performs for special events like Founders’ Day, Moms' Weekend, and Alumni Weekend.
While performing by myself for my career is a blast, there is also something so special about singing with my sisters. My favorite performance was when we sang “I’ll Be There For You” from FRIENDS for Founders’ Day. I knew that these girls really would always be there for me, just like I’ll be there for them. Moments like that are reminders of how life changing it was to join the sorority that has been a part of my family since 1960 (thanks Grammie!). It is so great that I’ve found sisters who speak my musical language, put up with my quirky phrases, and accept me for everything I am. They lift me up when I’m down, and they boost me even higher when I feel on top of the world. I can never thank them enough for the constant inspiration they provide me. My sisters are my support system and my biggest fans. Even if you don’t play music, what more could you possibly want than that?
Rock on,
PC ‘16