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Formal Recruitment: Open House

Hi my name is Mel! I am from Dallas, Texas and am going to be a sophomore this year. I am also Alpha Xi's Open House Day Coordinator this year, which means I help design the colors, layout, drinks, and decorations for the first round of recruitment.

This day signifies the beginning of one of the best weeks and helps kick off your journey to finding your future homes! During the day, you, as a PNM, will be welcomed into each sorority house here at Texas and meet one or more of the active members in each house. You and the active will have brief conversations to get to know each other and talk about hometowns, majors, summers, upcoming year, and other interests.

These first two days feel quick because the parties are shorter, but are super meaningful because they could be your first introduction to your new sisters! If you begin to feel a little anxious, remember each sorority member has been in your shoes and understands the stress, nerves, excitement, or confusion you may have. So just stay calm and have fun watching the door stacks and meeting great girls that may even be your sisters!!



PC '16

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