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Meet the Exec: Amelia Brown

Getting to Know You

Name and PC: Amelia Brown PC' 15

Major: Biochemistry Pre-Med Hometown: San Francisco, California My PNM Advice is: Enjoy the process! I was extremely nervous in the beginning (totally normal) but try to relax and have fun. The more you put yourself out there during recruitment the more you get out of it! My Favorite Workout is: Running My NBA Finals pick is: Warriors (duh) One Thing on my Bucket List is: Go to Bora Bora! My Celebrity Spirit Animal is: Reese Witherspoon Three Things that Make My Day are: Exercise, Cupcakes and William Powell Something Cheesy About me is: I love to listen to Harry Potter audiobooks! A TV Show I Could Live In is: 90210 If I Could Live Anywhere I’ve Traveled to for a Year It Would be: Barcelona Something I’m Addicted to is: SoulCycle Fun Fact: I am a group fitness instructor at Gregory Gym If I Could Describe Alpha Xi Women in One Word: Loyal

What I’m Most Excited for Alpha Xi in 2018: Bid Day!

Q&A from Membership VP

Why did you decide to go Greek?

To be honest, because of the television show Greek. Now I know television shows aren’t real and can be exaggerated at times, but I loved seeing the tight knit friendships formed through Greek life! It made me realize I wanted to experience that when I went to college, too!

Any funny stories from recruitment?

As a PNM I remember walking into Alpha Xi and meeting Madi Klein (my future big!). She was also from California and we immediately hit it off! We talked about the most random things and laughed the whole time. It was unexpected, but it made me feel right at home!

Why Alpha Xi?

The minute I stepped into Alpha Xi I knew it was going to be my home. The girls were welcoming and the conversations I had with everyone made me feel comfortable. It was the same way I felt when I walked on campus for the first time. As a PNM, all I wanted was a home away from home. Since I was coming halfway across the country and didn’t know a single person, I longed for a place that where I felt like I belonged. Alpha Xi gave me that feeling instantly.

What’s one of your favorite memories from becoming an Alpha Xi?

Living in the house with all my friends and meeting Vanessa Stewart. She is my best friend, and if it weren’t for Alpha Xi I wouldn’t have met her! We also have a Spurs-Golden State rivalry so watching basketball games with her is always fun ;-)

Why did you become an exec member?

I was on the membership team in 2017 and was also able to help with recruitment. Getting this opportunity made me fall in love with everything that is recruitment, especially meeting and learning about all the PNMs. When PNMs send in their rec letters, we sort through everything and I get to learn about the girls’ interests, hobbies and personalities. Getting even this small snapshot makes me so excited to meet them when they come to our home in August.

What are you excited to work on as Membership VP?

I am excited to lead a team of my fellow sisters in meeting and welcoming our new sisters in the fall. I love to plan, and this role is the perfect fit for me! Getting to learn about PNMs and see all the prep work that goes on all summer for recruitment gets me so pumped! I can’t wait to see all of the PNMs walk through the doors at Xi House, and for new recruitment memories with my sisters and potential future sisters!

What are three things you wished you knew as a PNM?

I wished I had known to get recommendation letters early, bring flip flops in my recruitment bag and to trust the process because you always end up where you belong!

(PS need a recommendation letter for Alpha Xi? Email and we’ll get you matched with an alum near you!)

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