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Introducing Family to Family: Fall ‘21 Parents’ Weekend Plans

With Parents’ Weekend coming on November 12th, new members and active members alike are excited to bring their families to Austin to celebrate. Alpha Xi Delta will be hosting a Casino Night fundraiser to support our Kindly Hearts Campaign organization, as well as? have plenty of activities for members to share with their family. See below to read how excited our members are for this amazing experience!

What do you plan on showing your parents when they come for the weekend?

“My father went to UT, and my mother loves Austin,” says Alex of MC ‘20. Alex is super excited to go to the new Pease Park observatory or the spa.

Julia, MC’20, hasn’t had the opportunity to show her parents around as much. “My parents moved me in, but haven’t really explored Austin as much,” says Julia. She plans on going to dinner with her parents and the parents of a couple other members!

New member Alison, MC ‘21, is so happy to finally show her mom around Austin. When she joined Alpha Xi Alison says, “My mom was almost as excited as me knowing that I was going to be in a place that made me happy and allowed me to be myself.” So, Alison can’t wait to show her around and have her meet all her new Sisters.

MC ‘20 Camrin plans on giving her family a tour of the house, and since she lives there, her room especially. She’s also hoping to go hiking with her dad somewhere in Austin.

What are your parents looking forward to most?

Since Julia lives in the house this year, she’s excited to show her mom her room now that she’s finally decorated it. She says, “The last time my parents saw it [her room], it was just a bunch of boxes on the floor!”

Spring ‘21 member Peri feels similarly. Her dad was sick during move-in, so she is so excited to introduce her family, especially her dad, to her sorority family. She says, “I am always talking to my family about my Big and Little! I love them so much and we always have a blast together. I’m excited for my family to come here and meet them!” Especially now that Peri has her Little, she will get to introduce herself to her sorority family’s families as well.

The Night to Remember: Casino Night Fundraiser

The star of the parents’ weekend show is our casino night. Our members can’t wait to

dress up and bring their parents to a night filled with laughter and philanthropy.

Alex’s summer pastime with her dad was poker, so she says, “I am sure he will be found at the Texas Hold ‘Em table.”

We can’t wait to see all our amazing members’ families and raise money for such an amazing organization. Check out the Instagram @texasalphaxi after Parents’ Weekend to see the highlights!


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